DREAM Power Box



The DREAM Power Box is a reliable standalone solar power station that forms the heart of the DREAM mini-grid system specifically for rural communities in East Africa. The DPB is a containerized solar Power plant with battery back-up. It is designed, manufactured and supplied for EPGE’s DREAM by Solar Technology International (“STI”), based in the United Kingdom. STI (established in 2000), is a DREAM Alliance Partner with an impressive track record in developing and marketing innovative solar products for the mass market. The DPB supplies power to subscribers who pay for a connection and a smart meter. Electricity purchase is on Pay-As-You-Go Basis (PAYG). At present, there are 5 Dream Power Boxes installed in Kenya and more are on schedule. It is designed to be an easily deployable, modular (starting at 15.9kW) and flexible power system that can provide uninterrupted 24/7 power even in the most remote locations.


The DREAM mini-grid system covers upto 150 connections per meter catering for both residential and household use.   The DREAM Mini Grid system offers a number of advantages, namely:

  • Revenue maximization, mitigation of credit risk with pre-payment
  • Minimization of labor costs
  • Real-time feedback for maintenance requirements and energy losses
  • Reduced need for interaction with the meter reducing theft/tampering risk
  • Flexible meter placement either on a pole or in the customer’s premises
  • Custom built for low power users
  • Allows load management for mini-grid stability
  • Flexible configuration of the grid, can be implemented either as trunk with branches/feeders or hub and spoke
  • Remote connection/disconnection of power depending on the status of account
  • Allows time of use tariff structuring to maximise energy output utilisation, e.g. higher peak time tariffs, and lower night time tariffs.


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